Tara Celebration Retreat
Friday, June 7th, 7:30pm - Sunday, June 9th, 10:00pm
In person and online. Cost: £140/£100 in-person which includes teachings, accommodation and food. £70/£50 for online participation. For members all teachings are included in monthly donation. Email contact@harmonyoftheway.co.uk to book and to ask any questions.
Tara is the compassionate action of the Buddhas. For us there is nothing that represents swift protection better than a Mother's loving kindness. The Divine Consciousness manifests in the feminine form to connect to our deepest layer of mind.
Tara comforts us, nurtures us, blesses us and protects us. She protects us from floods, fires, disease, wild animals and such like. She protects our mind from fears and delusions. When we connect with Tara we quickly come under the protection of the Divine.
In this retreat we will connect to a lineage of Tara practitioners going back millennia. What could be worth celebrating more than coming back to our true nature? To the path of love and truth? To the methods and practices that guide us to true happiness and freedom from suffering? Surely not an arbitrary change of numbers on a calendar that so many people see as their peak celebration? Surely not the worship and idolising of those 11 players who punt a piece of leather into a large onion bag? Surely not the hero worship of someone receiving a statue because they're really good at pretending to be someone else?
For those on the path we celebrate those beings who overcame greed, hate, pride and all the other inner demons and guided all beings to love and truth. To a never ending understanding of inner peace.
Our offering to Mother Tara is our practice of Dharma - love and truth. We dance, sing, play, eat, meditate, and share our wisdom together. It is a chance to connect with people who have a vision of loving kindness and support on the journey to the true Self. It is what we call a real holyday. Taking time out to enjoy our Self in connection with the Blessed Mother. - Lama Noah Samarkand.