The Aim
The purpose of engaging in a spiritual path is to clear up the ailments of the soul. Despondency, meaninglessness, self-obsession, carelessness, depression, anxiety, loneliness, and many other inner dis-eases are a serious issue of our current times due to the loud voice of a nihilistic narcissistic media and governing body. Human beings have always needed to look after the body and soul, both individual and collective. Looking after the soul and being psychologically healthy is the science of Sufism.
There are different aspects and dimensions to this path leading to different goals. First of all what we are looking for is to make our life more enjoyable. To improve our relationships especially with family and friends. To find meaningful work. To feel we belong in life, that life isn't just an accident but we have a purpose on Earth. To feel more alive in whatever we do. To feel more creative and expressive. To laugh more! On another level Sufism is aimed to make us more loving, kind hearted, open, generous, patient, zestful, still, contented and many other dimensions of a healthy soul.
Sufism then looks to guide us to the Divine Presence. To have a palpable connection with the Source of life we call Allah/God/The Great Encompassment. Read more.