Free series: Developing self-esteem

Developing self esteem - creating a life to be proud of.

"Spiritual life is the bouquet of natural life." Joseph Campbell.

"Your freedom lies through your humanity not in spite of it." Ram Dass.

Happiness comes to us through a healthy life 'style.' A healthy life is having purpose, a clear and vibrant mind, physical exercise, creative expression in our work/art/play/relationships. All of this leads to a healthy sense of 'self'. We can learn how to do this.

Maybe you're sick and tired of being sick and tired? There are usually clear and obvious reasons for this but we lack the momentum or power to change our habits. These classes are aimed at helping us develop healthy habits of body and mind. A creative approach to the greatest thing we own: our very own body and mind!

This may sound strange but the only requirement for the classes is a wish to love yourself. Do you want to love yourself?

Please join us on Saturdays at 11:30am UK time

These talks kindly given by Lama Noah Samarkand are free to access via zoom, and youtube live:

Please see here for dates and times.

If you have any questions or would like to join via zoom please email:

Past recordings