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Retreat - Tantric Christ Silent Retreat with Noah Samarkand

  • Harmony of The way Glentress Peebles, Scotland, EH45 8NB United Kingdom (map)

Our emphasis is on the Universal Truth.
In a mystery school each individual develops knowledge based on personal experience.
'Mysticism is when God's presence becomes experiential for you, not intellectual, experiential.' Fr Richard Rohr.

Each season we emphasise different mystics and masters of the Perennial Tradition.
This 'season' we are working with Yeshua ben Pandira or more commonly know by his awakened title Jesus Christ.

Christ was a tantric yogi who helped his followers find the same God he discovered in himself. “That they all shall be one, just as you, my Father, are in me, and I am in you, so that they also shall be one in us.” John 17:21
and the only way to be a genuine follower of Christ is when we see the living Christ in all beings. We see everything as divine. This is the very definition of Tantra.

There are extensive lists of Masters of the Perennial tradition.
There is no denial of the outer paths and expressions of truth as it appears in our human communities but the main emphasis is on truth beyond all practice and words. This truth is who you really are.

In Tibet, for instance this path was called Dzogchen or Mahamudra.

This retreat is offered by donation

September 16

Compassion - Journey of the Soul with Noah Samarkand