In this retreat we will be working on the Divine Names. These are presented in the Enneagram as the Holy Ideas. We use these expressions of form to merge with emptiness. By resting in empty presence we allow the Divine Attributes to shine forth.
It is in essence understanding how to rest in non-duality. The fusion of silence, emptiness and stillness with the dynamic movements of Life.
If we move through life with clarity, wisdom, love, peace, joy, passion, wonder and trust there will be no obstacles to recognising our Divine Presence.
This is called polishing the mirror of our heart. When we have a clear silent heart we drown in an ocean of love.
The highest aspects of our Self, the Divine Names act as a mirror to see when we fall out of Presence and they work as a loving and powerful guide back to our loving silent heart.
On this retreat we will be introduced to the Holy Ideas. We use these as ways to go beyond our conceptual mind into our Non Dual nature. Non-Duality is not an abstract 'spaced out' non perceiving reality. It is the 'Great encompassment' in which Buddha expressed it as 'Form is empty; emptiness is form. Form is not other than emptiness; emptiness is not other than form.' Form here means the Holy Attributes.
It often happens that 'resting in awareness' equates to a dry, flavourless experience of detracting from any appearances. To overcome this we need to drown in Love. Love then becomes Presence. Presence is the union of Love and emptiness.
We will spend 21 days attuning to the Divine Attributes, Chanting the Holy Names, resting in Presence, sitting in Silence, Dancing our joy, singing our ecstasy, and bringing to life our life!
May God bless you on your journey.
Online and in-person, food and accommodations provided (in-person spaces limited). All food prepared by the sangha as a form of karma yoga practice. Suggested donation £500 pp. Please do not allow finances to dissuade you from participating, these teachings are an offering from our teacher and we aim to provide to all with heart-full interest regardless of financial background. Contact us via email or DM for more information or to book directly.