100 Days of Emptiness
100 days of Emptiness - the nature of self.
Every Wednesday at 7.30pm. Starting 18th September 2024. Click here for our full 100 Days of Emptiness term schedule.
Classes are online and in person.
For this course we will look at one of the most fundamental sutras of Mahayana Buddhism - the Heart Sutra. It is considered the condensation of all of Buddha's teaching on Ultimate Truth. Wisdom and the realisation of emptiness are from the Buddhist point of view the most important practices. Until we realise the nature of self we will never be truly free from suffering. The other practices of giving, discipline, patience, joyous effort, and meditative concentration(shamatha) are limited until we realise emptiness. After we realise the nature of self we then engage in these practices as methods to perfect our path to the Ultimate beyond words, thoughts and expressions. Nothing could be more important than studying who we are.
The Holy Prophet said 'He who knows himself, knows his Lord'.
"Form is empty; emptiness is form. Form is not other than emptiness; emptiness is not other than form" The Heart Sutra.
No previous experience is necessary, we have to start somewhere in our understanding of emptiness. The Heart Sutra is a small text and is accessible. The course contains teachings, guided meditations and discussions. Join us in our humble, loving and vibrant community of seekers of Truth.
For the course we will use 'Heart of Wisdom' by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso.
Email contact@harmonyoftheway.co.uk for further information.
Please watch a short talk given by Lama Noah Samarkand on what this course entails.
Supplementary resources
Throughout the course Lama Noah may refer to the below image of Prajnaparamita and also The Great Mother Sadhana. An audio to accompany the Sadhana will follow.