100 Days of Ngondro
100 Days of Ngondro - the foundations of awakening
Classes begin 8th January 2025. Continuing every Wednesday, from 7.30 - 9.30pm UK time until April 16th. Classes will be held online. To join please email: contact@harmonyoftheway.co.uk
Click here for our full 100 Days of Ngondro term schedule.
Everyone is welcome to attend our new term of classes. This term we are focussing on the foundational practices of awakening. These are considered essential for the mind to awaken to it's true nature. In the tradition we are looking for a 'reversal' of our usual outlook, motivations and understanding. The core foundations we will look at in this term are:
Death awareness - the daily spontaneous feeling that we are going to die. The feeling that every moment matters, that life is precious, that our actions count and the luminous knowledge that only Dharma is vital. The reversal of our usual clinging to our self as fixed, permanent and very important. The loosening of concerns over fame, fortune and reputation.
Refuge - the knowledge that happiness is a state of mind. Trusting in an authentic 'God' experience to motivate our intentions in life. Turning to the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha as means to solve our daily problems. The reversal of looking towards fame, fortune, reputation and pleasure as a means to solve our problems and find security.
Bodhichitta - the realisation that only our inner awakening can solve our problems and be the means to help others solve theirs. The reversal of self centred living and meaninglessness.
Vajrasattva practice - purifying the mind with intention, wisdom, mantra and refuge. The reversal of self pity and identifying with the past.
Mandala offering - giving everything up to the source of refuge and seeing your life as a vehicle for Divine revelation. The reversal of self sabotage and miserliness. The reversal of worrying about the future.
Guru Yoga - seeing the Divine in form. The reversal of seeing people as objects.
Without having stability in these areas of our consciousness it is very difficult to make the direct leap to complete transcendence of view, meditation and conduct as one with God. These are considered classic foundational practices and are universal in their core on all spiritual paths. The general outline of the term will be one week spent dedicated to each foundation. During the term a period of 40 days extra focus will be spent on one of the foundations to deepen into the practice. A relatively new tradition of counting 100,000 of each practice was introduced in many Buddhist lineages but for our current times this is not practical or particularly needed. The idea of a 'set number' is very much a type 5 concept that likes to systemise truth. What is needed as Jesus suggests is not a ritualised prayer in which we 'show off' to others over how much we did but a heartfelt experience. If we understand our time is precious then we can learn how to enter into each practice with the appropriate intensity and focus to help us transform our mind into the truth.
There will be no formal classes during the 40 day retreat period.
Please see membership for more information regarding prices/exchange.
Past recordings
*If you would like access please email: contact@harmonyoftheway.co.uk